🦎 Short Link 短连接

Does not guarantee the duration of short link. 不保证短连接有效时长。

Install 安装

npm install -g @woolson/short-link
npm --registry https://npm.pkg.github.com/woolson install -g @woolson/short-link

Usage 使用

Command short-link with link. 直接粘贴链接在命令后面。

➜  short-link https://www.npmjs.com/package/@woolson/short-link
❝ [Short Link]: Link has copied, press Ctrl/Cmd + C to paste.
❝ [Short Link]: https://url.cn/544g8YS

Command short-link with -c. 使用-c 选项从剪贴板读取链接。

➜  short-link -c 
❝ [Short Link]: Clipboard content: https://github.com/woolson/short-link
❝ [Short Link]: Link has copied, press Ctrl/Cmd + C to paste.
❝ [Short Link]: https://url.cn/544g8YS